Friday, April 25, 2008

The PROBLEM WITH "HOW?" By Jeren Lanoue '08

“Let the little children come to me” (Mark 10:14, TNIV)

I think we have all witnessed or participated in a conversation where a child’s answer to every statement is countered with the simple question “why?” For instance, little Johnny probably wouldn’t appreciate the idea that his parents won’t allow him to have sweets before finishing all of the vegetables on his plate. A series of “why” questions may follow until he is either satisfied or completely baffled with the answer. Why? “Because good boys finish their meals . . . because they want to grow up to be big and strong . . . because girls like boys that are big and strong . . . because they are more attractive . . . I don’t know, ask your mother.”

Young children are filled with curiosity and amazement that is clearly evident in their questioning. Likewise we, as children of God, should focus more on the “why” questions than on the “how” questions. “How” questions tend to do more with performance and accomplishment than the goodness of God. How am I going to pass this test? How am I going to pay off these student loans? How do I live a good Christian life? These questions tend to focus on our own personal actions before pursuing the Lord’s purposes and involvement in our lives.

Let’s examine the “How do I live a good Christian life?” question. The problem with the question is that it focuses on our own commitment rather than the Lord, His character, and His involvement in our day to day activities. We will find ourselves comparing our own lives to others rather than to the standard God has set for us. We will miss the point even if we set high standards by observing the very best role models in our lives. We are to pursue obedience to Christ and allow others’ faithfulness to encourage us and reveal a new way of being more committed to our own relationship with God.

Answers to “why” questions can more easily be related to Christ and applied to our lives. Why do I need to take this test? Why do I need to pay back these student loans? Why do Christians live the way they do? I need to take these tests to make sure that I am competent enough to be a good servant to my employer when I leave Gordon. I need to pay back these loans because God commands us to (Psalms 37:21, Rom. 13:8), and I need to keep my word to bring glory to God. I live the way I do because it brings me into a deeper communion with Christ. This slight change in attitude toward very similar questions allows for Christ to enter into our lives and intercede for us. Remember, if we seek Him, He will be faithful to help us with the “how” in life.

“And He took the children in His arms, placed His hands on them and blessed them” (Mark 10:16, TNIV).