Thursday, May 8, 2008

Overheard at Gordon

Overheard at Gordon is a new humor column formed by YOUR submissions. Overhear something funny in Lane? On the sidewalk? Send them in! voxpop@gordon (please, no names of persons overheard.)

Sarah said, "God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me." Genesis 21:6

The following quotes have had eaves shamelessly dropped on them.

You Know God Loves You When…

Walking up the Hill

Girl 1: (talking about her great day) “...and on top of all that, I got a hill spot!”

Girl 2: “…which is the first sign of Christ’s love, after the cross!”

No Free Lunch

In Frost Lobby

Professor 1: “Hey, how're you? Headed out to lunch?”
Prof. 2: “Yeah, I think I'm going to head over to Lane.”
Prof. 1: “You should just find a student, they have lots of extra points!”
Prof .2: “What?”
Prof .1: “Meal points. They have lots of extra meal points! Try it!”

It’s All Relative

Outside, during Lent

Guy 1 to Guy 2: “You want ME to feel bad for YOU when I can't play guitar hero for 40 days and you have to play on a smaller TV in a different room?!”

I think I’m Good

In Frost

Professor 1: “How are you?”

Prof. 2: “Good, I think... “

Prof 1: “‘I think therefore I am,’ right?”

Prof 2: “That's right. Only I don't think it works with being good... ‘I think I'm good, therefore I am good...’”