This year, Gordon has hosted one of the country’s leading scholars on Adam Smith, Dr. Jeffrey Young, visiting scholar in the Economics Department. He has been on sabbatical from St. Lawrence University in upstate New York and chose to spend that time at Gordon for several reasons, among them his desire to be close to family and to experience teaching at a Christian college. While continuing his research of Adam Smith, Young taught a class in environmental economics during the fall semester, and gave a series of lectures about Smith during spring semester. When asked what he has enjoyed about his time at Gordon, Young stated that he has “enjoyed the students I have had the opportunity to work with as well as the time to work on my own research projects and interact with the Economics and Business faculty.” He says that the most striking difference he has observed between St. Lawrence and Gordon is the Christian environment. He states that he “really enjoyed being able to discuss matters of faith and share testimonies with the students in the class I taught last fall semester.” He goes on to say he has “enjoyed the time and believe[s] that Gordon is a wonderful place to be a student and to teach.”